Rowdy’s Dream Blog #126: An Unwelcome Embrace From The Fire Chief

Brutus De Cervantes
1 min read
RowdyÕs Dream Blog #126: An Unwelcome Embrace from the Fire Chief
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G, her sister and I visit a fenced compound. It has a shallow mote with tributaries that radiate out like spokes. We are able to gain entrance by moving some transparent boxes. The place is supposed to be haunted on this particular day. The eerie reflections of a scary doll appear in the air. We proceed to dismantle a bridge in an attempt to bar further access. A ‘fire chief’ shows me another covered wooden bridge that has been built according to Jesus’ specs. He places his hand on me. I lead him to G and her sister and introduce him. Weirdly, he pulls G’s sister into an unwelcome embrace.
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