Rowdy’s Dream Blog #179: Fugitive!

Brutus De Cervantes
1 min read
RowdyÕs Dream Blog #179: Fugitive!
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I am feeling rushed. I am late for a meeting and have been waiting at a traffic light. A traffic cop with white gloves stands at the light and helps a woman I know and her friend onto a ski lift at the intersection. My truck lurches forward and bumps into them, sending them both sailing across the street into heavy traffic. Now the cops are after me. Later, I meet the woman at her house. Thankfully, she’s ok. She doesn’t even seem to be mad, but she is very matter-of-fact about the trouble I’m in. We hear sirens and watch a police car heading up the wrong road. He’s lost, but will find me eventually. She explains that the cops are very good at guessing how much money you’re carrying. She says the fine will be up to $3100. I run home clutching my money and small wallet, intending to stash the cash before the cops can reach me.
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