Rowdy’s Dream Blog #211: My Friend Has Been Diving In The Pool Which Contains A Huge Vicious Shark.

Brutus De Cervantes
1 min read
RowdyÕs Dream Blog #211: My friend has been diving in the pool which contains a huge vicious shark.
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I have been sent to attend a conference. Instead of going to the meetings, I’ve been hanging out with all the misfits by the pool. My boss shows up and finds me there, to my embarrassment. My friend has been diving in the pool which contains a huge vicious shark. It leaps high out of the water and takes big bites out of the cement edge. My friend emerges from underwater and climbs out. He staggers a little, falls headlong on the deck and throws up some blood. "He bit me on my damn hand and towel!" he exclaims bitterly.
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