Rowdy’s Dream Blog #239: A Very Thin Arnold Schwarzenegger In A Wheelchair.

Brutus De Cervantes
1 min read
RowdyÕs Dream Blog #239: A very thin Arnold Schwarzenegger in a wheelchair.
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I am riding in the back seat with my friends D and C. We are lost somewhere on a San Diego air force base. We wait at a stoplight. They argue about which way to turn. A hovering oil tanker lands gently next to us on its long spindly legs. I had heard that they had invented these things but am impressed to finally see one. We drive out through the fog onto a sea-cliff-side road. I can see the ocean and gulls below us. We park at a large airport terminal and go inside. At a folding table I get a paper cup of water with some brown pills floating in it. I stir it to make coffee and it starts to foam over. I brush the excess into a trash can. A very thin Arnold Schwarzenegger is wheeled in a wheelchair into the area. We talk together like old friends.
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