Rowdy’s Dream Blog #341: I Meet The Farmer’s Daughters

Brutus De Cervantes
1 min read
RowdyÕs Dream Blog #341: I Meet the FarmerÕs Daughters
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Song: "All my life, all your life, yer numb, yer numb, yer dumb, and then you die…"

In a field near the top of my childhood street I search for a place to build a fort for my nephews. I examine a shady, overgrown area behind some rusty corrugated siding. An old farmer appears. He is friendly and leads me into a huge house he is remodeling. I see his wife down a long hallway with a plywood floor. In the living room, I meet his three daughters. The farmer resumes painting above the mantle. The middle daughter tells a story about my old friend S. I ask about S’ sister. I ask if S is married.

"No, but close to it—with (girl’s name)!"

"That’s even better!" I say.
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