Rowdy’s Dream Blog #49


Brutus De Cervantes
1 min read
RowdyÕs Dream Blog #49
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I am drinking long-necked beers at a party in a huge office building. I meet my family in the Tiki room on the 40th floor. There is a balcony with palms and torches and thatched awnings. It is sunset. A steel drum band plays softly. I run into an old pal in another crowded room and we have a beer together. Eventually I leave the building holding a small bag of trash. I can find no receptacle so I leave it by some other garbage strewn by the entry-way. Outside I encounter a huge diamond-back rattlesnake moving swiftly down the road toward me. He sees me too. I can tell that I won’t be able to outrun him. I am, however, able to dodge him and dive into some tall grass. Now I can see him but he can’t see me.
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