Secret Knowledge: Dodge’s Annoying Ad Roadblock

Jerry Cornelius
1 min read
Secret Knowledge: Dodge Abqjournal.comÕs Annoying Ad Roadblock
Hey, this doesn’t look like the story I wanted to read. Oh well. Click here.
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In what can only be seen as a colossal lack of good judgment, the Albuquerque Journal’s website continues to ignore basic access etiquette for a “newspaper of record” by forcing would-be readers to either (a) pony up for a subscription, or (b) watch some stupid animated ad.

I guess that’s slightly better than your average porn site, which requires that you either (a) pony up for a subscription, or (b) let your PC get infected with a million pop-up-spewing malware/adware/spyware executables, or (c) both. But here’s the not-so-secret knowledge: You can get to that story in three clicks. Tutorial after the jump.
Secret Knowledge: Dodge Abqjournal.comÕs Annoying Ad Roadblock

Then here. This is the tricky one, a loophole apparently left for grandmas still surfing the web on their Windows 98 boxes and unable to enjoy animated ads.

Secret Knowledge: Dodge Abqjournal.comÕs Annoying Ad Roadblock

Aha. Now we can finally read the article we wanted to read three clicks ago. Thank you.

Secret Knowledge: Dodge Abqjournal.comÕs Annoying Ad Roadblock

What terrible secret did this man possess?

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