Secrets For All

Anne Artley
2 min read
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This addictive website satisfies your urge to be nosy. Yet it comforts you with the fact that you are never alone—your most shameful thoughts may even be shared by someone halfway around the globe. People all over the world send in hand-decorated, anonymous postcards revealing a secret. Every Sunday, PostSecret publishes these private musings.

The site has complied years of cryptic postcards into
books. The secret-sorters host live events, too.

The site can also be a support network. Last Sunday, a card came through that revealed the sender’s intention to jump off the Golden Gate Bridge this summer. Only hours after it was posted, more than 11,000 people joined a
Facebook group especially created to reach out to the sender and convince the secret-sharer that life is worth living.

Though this is particularly dark example, PostSecret also has a lighter side. My personal favorites?

“I’m taking pleasure in watching my roommate gain the Freshman 15.”

“I’m a grown man, and I still pretend that I’m a rockstar when I stay at hotels.”

“You pretend to be so happy now that you are remarried, but I know you stalk my MySpace page daily.”

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