The following is a press release from Gary King regarding settlement in a class action lawsuit against Sony/BMG for their evil copy protection viruses.AG King Advises Consumers About Repair Claims From Sony BMG Software Damage(Santa Fe, NM)— Attorney General Gary King today issued an advisory to consumers whose computers may have been damaged by playing certain Sony BMG Music compact discs that installed content protection software. Attorney General King said, “Eligible consumers may be entitled to reimbursement of repair expenses on their computers as part of a class action lawsuit settlement. Some Sony BMG Music CDs installed copy protection software on computers that also allowed the company to collect certain non-personally identifiable information about the CDs’ purchasers. This is a violation of privacy and I believe a deceitful treatment of consumers who purchase their products.” Consumers who bought, received or used Sony BMG music CDs with the MediaMax or XCP software may be eligible to receive reimbursement for any repair costs associated with damage from the software installation. A website has been posted that gives further information and claim forms about the settlement: Users who have installed the XCP or MediaMax software on their computers should uninstall the programs or download special security updates to protect their computers from security vulnerabilities made possible by the installation of the software. Instructions on how to uninstall or update their software is available on the above website. XCP Software and Media Max software, which was transparently installed on a user’s computer allowing access to a CD’s content, was referred to as “spyware” by the plaintiffs in the lawsuit, which included Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott. “SONY has engaged in a technological version of cloak and dagger deceit against consumers by hiding secret files on their computers,” said Attorney General Abbott. “Consumers who purchased a SONY CD thought they were buying music. Instead, they received spyware that can damage a computer, subject it to viruses and expose the consumer to possible identity crime.” A list of CDs that contain the XCP and MediaMax software is available on the settlement website. Consumers who wish to file a claim must do so before the June 30, 2007 deadline.