Spooky Scary Tuesday The 13Th!

Edith P. Giblets
1 min read
Spooky Scary Tuesday the 13th!
Not a dolphin, but still only 74% human.
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Get ready for creaky, windy hauntedness! It’s Tuesday, October 13! October has Halloween, so that is scary. The number 13 is scary (because it was my soccer number and I was frighteningly bad). And Tuesday is scary because there’s still soooo much left of the work week. I’ve got chills thinking about it.

What else happened on this haunted day in history?

In 1845, Texas ratified its state constitution. Definitely evil.

In 1974, Ed Sullivan died. Probably of a haunting-related cause. Was he sucked into a TV? Ironic and true.

Margaret Thatcher was born … wearing a tweed suit and carrying a battleax.

In 1716, Hungarian Emperor Karel VI’s troops occupy Temesvar. You know the rest.

In 1987, the US Navy first used trained dolphins. Since then, they’ve become highly intelligent and deadly spies. George Clooney? Dolphin.
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