Latest Article|September 3, 2020|Free
::Making Grown Men Cry Since 1992
1 min read
As reported in last week’s Alibi , Simi Valley punk-metalers Strung Out played the Sunshine Theater last Tuesday in support of Pennywise. I’ve seen the band the last three times it’s come to Albuquerque (always at the Launchpad), and going in I wondered if I’d walk away disappointed. What if the band is sick of playing its old songs? I thought. What if age has finally caught up to it after nearly two decades in the biz? Would coming as a supporting act instead of the headliner make the group attack the stage with less ferocity? My doubts were squashed with the first spiraling riff of "Too Close to See" which opened the show. The band was as impassioned as ever. Strung out played more songs from their 1998 flagship release Twisted By Design than any other album, and it fought for the crowd’s approval, rather than passively expecting it. Strung Out may not be a kid anymore, but its members still have the same juvenile enthusiasm that punk and metal have always thrived on.