Taco Bell Sauceology

Sarah Bonneau
1 min read
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On the rare occasions I eat at Taco Bell I usually pass on the hot sauce in the little packs. I am just in it for the full feeling and the runs. Tonight my whole family had to suffer because Momma didn’t want to cook and what a surprise I found on those hot sauce packs! Here is a list of phrases that are captured in this pic:

“I’m in good hands now.”

“Careful! I don’t do well under pressure.”

“Bike tires scare me.”

“My best friends hang out on the menu board.”

“Of all those sauce packets, why me, now?”

“Would you add sauce left to right, or right to left?”


“Mmmmmmmmmmm … sauce.”

“You had me at taco.”

“Willing to relocate.”

“I M A HOT T R U 2?”

and my favorite:

“My sauce is an honor student at Taco Middle School.”

Someone in corporate has way too much time on their hands, and I bet gets paid a lot to write this.

Collect them all!
1 2 3 746
