Ten Delicious Recipes For Any Occasion

Nick Brown
1 min read
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1) Jerked Beef Sandwich: beef jerky on white bread with ketchup.

2) Pickle Frowns: sliced pickles with spray cheese frowny faces drawn on them.

3) Cheerio Water: a glass of warm water with a single Cheerio dropped in it.

4) Surprise Cornbread: the surprise is there’s a bunch of plastic army men baked inside.

5) Spillers: I intentionally spill my Cheerio Water.

6) Western-Style Eggs: I make you eat a hard-boiled egg at gunpoint while wearing a cowboy hat.

7) Inside Out Rabbit: tomato soup in a fur-lined bowl.

8) Caché du Joel: I hide in your house and sing Billy Joel songs.

9) Don’t Eat ‘Ems: they’re poison.

10) Dream Pie: invisible pie that exists only in thought.
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