Ten Spy Tricks You Can Use In Real Life

Nick Brown
2 min read
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1) When you’re driving, turn on your blinker and slow down like you’re going to turn, but then keep driving straight.

2) You can pretend to drink from a glass by tilting the liquid toward your lips while keeping your lips closed. The charade becomes foolproof when you say “Ahhh” after each pretend sip.

3) Changing your appearance is an important tactic for throwing people off your trail. Enter a public restroom then immediately exit with a hat on.

4) Spies surreptitiously pass cryptic, coded notes to one another; it requires practice. Try passing notes to strangers and acquaintances then deny having done so.

5) Pretend Talking (a.k.a. Non-Talkies) is an important skill to accomplish with your trusted comrades. Move your mouth, gesture with your hands and nod thoughtfully as though engaged in lively conversation, but take care that neither of you make a sound. Pretend Talking is most effective when performed in an automobile or at a crowded cocktail party.

6) Cut a large hole in the front page of a newspaper then laugh silently as you monitor the room; you appear to be engrossed in reading.

7) See what’s happening at the table behind you by holding up a small mirror. You’ll usually want to focus on one person’s face for several minutes.

8) Even if you don’t have any spy gadgets at your disposal, the other spies don’t need to know that. Keep counterintelligence on their toes by speaking into a pencil. “Forgive me, comrade, but we must communicate another time. I need
petrol for my autobus .”

9) Take advantage of the cover provided by your natural surroundings. Never walk in a straight line when it’s possible to dart from tree to doorway.

10) Identify other spies with the Secret Handshake: wiggle your fingers like a captured spider.

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