Thanksgiving Recipes In The Raw

Heat-Free, Meat-Free Recipes For The Holidays From Raw Food New Mexico

Laura Marrich
5 min read
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Think you’re experimental in the kitchen? The kids from Raw Foods New Mexico are making entire holiday meals — complete with “gravy,” “stuffing,” “pie” and even “nog” — without any animal ingredients or heating elements. This Thanksgiving meal is totally raw and totally vegan … only, do you suppose it’s any good? I know I’m curious.

The recipes you’ll find here are curtsey of the Nov. 14 Raw Food News e-newsletter, circulated by Raw Food New Mexico. If you like what you’re seeing, the group will host their Second Annual Regional Raw Thanksgiving Potluck Celebration at the Oddfellows Hall in Santa Fe on Thursday, Nov. 24. If you’d like to attend, RSVP no later than Monday, Nov. 21, to Aruna Kroener at (505) 438-2527 or, or Allison Rae at (505) 988-7076. See this week’s “Dish” (out Thursday, Nov. 17) for more information about the event. In the meantime — happy hydrating, blending and shaping!

Faux Salmon
From Nomi Shannon’s Raw Gourmet
Serves 4 to 6

2 cups almonds soaked 8 to12 hours
2 large carrots
1/2 cup coarsely hopped red onion
1 1/2cups minced celery
1/2 cup minced parsley
1/4 cup minced scallions
1/4 cup lemon juice
2 teaspoons kelp powder
1 teaspoon dulse powder or granules
1 teaspoon Nama Shoyu or celtic salt
1/3 cup carrot juice, or more

1) Using the blank screen of a heavy-duty juicer put the almonds, carrots and onions through the machine and into a large bowl. Stir in the celery, parsley, scallions, lemon juice, carrot juice, kelp, dulse and salt. Mix thoroughly.
2) Add enough carrot juice to achieve desired consistency. Shape into the loaf. Serve with “notmayo” topping. The mixture will keep for several days in the fridge.

Serves 6

1 cup cashews
1/3 cup water
1 lemon peeled, seeded and chopped
3tablespoons chopped onion
3 tablespoons chopped red pepper
1 clove garlic
1 tablespoon flaxseed oil
1 tablespoon fresh oregano or 1 teaspoon dried
2 teaspoons dulse flakes
1 teaspoon celtic salt
1/2 teaspoon paprika
pinch ground cumin
pinch curry
Instead of Mashed Potato
From “Eating Without Heating” by the Boutenko kids
2 large avocados, mashed
1/2 head of cauliflower
1/2 cup lemon juice
1/2 cup sweet onion powder, or to taste
2 teaspoons sea salt

1) Blend all ingredients in the food processor

“Pasta” with Pesto Sauce
From Juliano


1/3 cup garlic cloves
2 cups pine nuts
2 cups fresh basil leaves, packed (1 large bunch), reserve a few leaves for garnish
2 cups soaked walnuts or almonds (1 cup before soaking for 12-24 hours)
1/4 cup brown miso (Westbrae is unpasturized) or use 2 to 3 teaspoons celtic salt
1/4 cup olive oil
1 1/4 to 2 cups pure water

1) In a blender process all the ingredients adding more water if necessary to keep things moving. Add extra olive oil and salt if needed. Blend until creamy.


2 to 3 of your favorite root vegetables (yams, beets, carrots, parsnips, celery root, daikon squash, etc.)
1 portabello mushroom or 6 shitake, chopped and marinated in a small amount of Nama Shoyu for 10 to 20 minutes
1/4 cup coarsely chopped dehydrated or unsoaked walnuts and pine nuts
1 pint red cherry tomatoes, halved

1) Using a spiral slicer, mandoline or regular grater, cut the vegetables into “noodles”. Chop noodles to make them shorter. Mix together the pasta and pesto sauce.
2) Arrange on a platter. Sprinkle with marinated mushrooms and chopped walnuts or whole pinenuts. Garnish with strips of basil and 2 or 3 small whole leafs in the center.

Festive Greens with Citrus Vinaigrette

1 head of romaine lettuce, cut into thin strips
5 leaves dinosaur kale cut into thin strips
1 cucumber, peeled seeded and julienned
1 red onion, thinly sliced
1 pint yellow cherry tomatoes, halved
20 raw olives
2 Tablespoons hulled sesame seeds

1) Mix together romaine and kale in large serving bowl. Then arrange pepper, onion, cucumber, tomatoes and olives on top. Sprinkle on the sesame seeds.

Citrus Vinaigrette

1/2 grapefruit, juiced
1 lemon, juiced
1 lime, juiced
1/2 cup olive or flax oil
1 teaspoon raw honey
1 clove garlic
1/2 teaspoon celtic sea salt
Dash of cayenne
1 teaspoon fresh mustard (see recipe below)

1) Puree all ingredients in blender. Store for months in the refrigerator.

Fresh Mustard

1/2 cup brown (these are spicy) or yellow mustard seeds, soaked 1 hour
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon celtic salt
2 dates, soaked and pitted

1) Puree all ingredients in blender. Store for months in the refrigerator.

Stuffing Fantasy
From Elaina

1 1/2 cup soaked almonds
4 stalks celery, chopped
1 apple, chopped
2 large cloves garlic
1 medium portabello mushroom, chopped
3 Tablespoons flax meal
1 Tablespoons flax oil
1 teaspoon Celtic salt
1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
1/4 bunch fresh sage, minced; or 1/2 teaspoon dried
1/4 bunch fresh thyme, minced; or 1/2 teaspoon dried
1/4 teaspoon kelp powder
1/2 cup raisins
1/4 cup chopped walnuts (soaked and dehydrated is preferable)
Optional: Instead of sage and thyme, use 1 and 1/2 teaspoons non-irradiated poultry seasoning

1) Place almonds in the food processor and puree until almonds become meal.
2) Add onion and garlic to the food processor and process until well- minced. Add apple, process until apples are in small chunks.
3) Remove ingredients from the food processor and place in a large bowl. Add the rest of the ingredients to the bowl. Mix well and make into patties or a loaf.

Mushroom Gravy

1 cup almonds soaked 12 to 48 hours (skins removed)
5 cups shiitake mushrooms
2 garlic cloves
Celtic salt to taste
pure water

1) Blend almonds with one cup of water until smooth.
2) Separately, blend 4 cups mushrooms with as much water as is necessary to get things moving.
3) Mix these two products together with seasonings. Chop last cup of mushrooms and stir into gravy.

Pumpkin Pie

Two cups raw cubed pumpkin
1 cup soaked macadamia or pine nuts
1/2 cup soaked raisons
1/2 cup soaked dates
Dash coconut oil
2 Tablespoons pumpkin pie spice, or to taste
Juice of one orange
Orange zest, to taste
1 teaspoon psyllium

1) Puree in blender or food processor until very smooth.


2 cups pecans
1/2 to 1 cup dates
Orange zest, to taste

1) Press crust into pan, pour in filling and chill for several hours before serving.

Nut Nog

Almond milk (Make by soaking almonds for 12 to 24 hours, blending the nuts with water and straining out the pulp)
Frozen bananas
Freshly shaved nutmeg
Ground cloves
Frontiers vanilla extract

(There were no instructions or ingredient amounts given for this one — so just have at it!)

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