The Best Music Of 2004

Michael Henningsen
1 min read
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Next week (Jan. 6) marks our annual Year In Review Issue, in which we, your beloved/hated Alibi editors and staff spew our picks for the best of arts, entertainment, film, food and music during the previous 12 months. Unfortunately, there's never enough page space to accommodate everything I'd like to provide with regard to why I think certain records are so goddamned worthy as opposed to others, so I've decided to use the Alibi website to blather on endlessly about the Year In Music: 2004. As of Thursday, Jan. 6, you'll get to read my picks in the print version of the Alibi, and you'll be able to read reviews in their entirety of every single CD that made the cut this year, but not necessarily the final cut for the print version. Then you'll feel more confident than ever when writing to tell me how full of shit I am.
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