The Daily Word, 05.17.07

Steven Robert Allen
2 min read
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The most shocking news of the day is that the Bush Administration’s attack on civil liberties is so extreme that even former Attorney General John Ashcroft objected. The story also provides even more evidence that Alberto Gonzales needs to be canned—now.

The head of the APS school board continues to insist that a Rio Grande High School student’s grade was changed out of fairness, not because his mom’s a county commissioner and his dad’s is a former school board member. Uh, yeah …

Here’s the real question: Should high school students be allowed to graduate if they can’t keep track of their own failing grades without help from mommy and daddy?

The Santa Fe Police Department considers hiring Mexican nationals to fill open positions.

Yet another film business comes to Burquewood.

Shocker: Johnny Tapia checks into rehab.

Tired of all the serial announcements that a candidate who is already a candidate is officially announcing he’s a candidate? Too bad. This week, Richardson is announcing he’s running for president. Again.

Uh oh. Bill “Renewable Energy is the Future” Richardson owns six-figure stock holdings in a Texas-based oil refinery, according to financial disclosures filed this week with the Federal Election Commission. Money where the mouth is, Bill. Come on.

Another shocker: Pretty much all of the presidential candidates, in both parties, are millionaires.

Lord, this campaign cycle started early. A new ad features former generals ganging up on Rep. Heather Wilson for failing to listen to commanders on the ground in Iraq.

Al Gore asks good questions, but he still probably shouldn’t run for president.

Wishful thinking has turned us into a nation of idiots.

Lamest news of the day: Paris Hilton’s jail time gets cut in half for “good behavior,” and she’ll be incarcerated in a special extra-cushy wing reserved for “celebrities.” Why? Why?! WHY??!!
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