The Daily Word 07.27.10: Motherly Love, Rainbows, Campaign Transparency, Chimps

Jessica Cassyle Carr
1 min read
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Under new leadership, BP says it’ll take care of the Gulf. Meanwhile, there’s a new spill.

Republicans aren’t for
campaign transparency.

Obama to appear on “
The View.”

Surprise, surprise: Well-loved babies turn out to be
well-adjusted adults.

Child well-being lower in New Mexico.

vegan and being healthy don’t always go hand in hand.

Hippie gets really excited about
double rainbow sighting.

bear steals car.

Will the fashion industry’s use of
Photoshop be regulated?

ubuntu bring back a dead computer? Also, new Apples.

Slack off to
Savage Love.

(The heartless) support continued torture of the
Alamogordo chimps.

Science has discovered
jellyfish eyes.

therapeutic bee stings.

Garages sale digger scores
Ansel Adams items worth millions.

islands used for exile.

Weather: Warm with a chance of rain.
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