The Daily Word 08.19.10: Church Burns, Obama’s Not A Muslim, A Pat Tillman Documentary

Marisa Demarco
1 min read
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A Downtown church burned last night. (APS was looking at the property for a charter school, and the city was considering it for the arena.)

Roger Clemens indicted on charges of lying to Congress about performance-enhancing drugs.

Friends and family of
the man killed by APD this week don’t understand why he was shot.

Check out the
guv debate tonight that APS is hosting. (6 p.m.)

Maybe they will talk about all the
10,000 homeless schoolkids in the state.

The city’s animal shelters employ so few kennel workers
they violate the Heart Ordinance.

Voyeurs don’t have to register as sex offenders in New Mexico.

One in five Americans think President Obama is Muslim.

A documentary on
Pat Tillman’s death and the subsequent coverup.

Mummified babies.

The latest in marijuana farm security:
tame bear.

Sarah Palin defends Dr. Laura on Twitter.

In defense of
spiced ham loaf.

It’s taking
20-somethings a long time to grow up.
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