The Daily Word 1.11.10: Loch Ness, Avatar Shooting And A Wolf In Edgewood.

Nick Brown
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Many fear the
Loch Ness Monster is dead.

drone spy planes filmed 24 years’ worth of footage in 2009.

A Florida tropical fish farmer
lost 100,000 fish in the cold snap.

Cardinals beat the Packers 51 to 45.

pyramids weren’t built by slaves, some experts think now.

Some Chinese manufactured
trinkets are made from deadly cadmium. American trinkets are made from love.

Avatar tops the box office for the fourth straight week.

Scientists discover the
world’s oldest fin-prints.

Never speak to people you know in your dreams.
They are demons.

A woman was
shot in the ankle during a showing of Avatar at the Century Rio. It happened during the shooting part. The shooting part.

There’s a
wolf in Edgewood.

An Albuquerque man
threw his girlfriend from a moving car.

The sad tale of one
Walmart purse snatcher.

It’s Lee Ritenour’s birthday. He played guitar on most of the songs you like from 30 years ago. Here he is playing the song named for his nick-name, "
Captain Fingers."
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