The Daily Word 10.05.09: Pet Bear, Killer Raccoons, Floods, Quakes And Taliban

Nick Brown
1 min read
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A woman was killed by her pet bear. Imagine!

A swarm of
killer raccoons killed Gretchen Whitted.

Taliban troops stormed a NATO outpost.

flooding in India and earthquakes in Indonesia.

Three Americans will share the
Nobel Prize for medicine. Why? Chromosome research.

Norway is the best place to live. It’s always one of those places like that.

You’re not invited to my

rape suspect tried to gather up all the newspapers.

balloon hit a tent this morning, knocking a guy out.

They want to put up suicide-prevention fences on the
Taos Gorge Bridge.

College of Santa Fe student Bryanna Antone was
murdered in Hawaii.

A plane at Kirtland AFB has a
deadly laser weapon.

It’s Donald Pleasence’s birthday. Here’s a
thing for you to watch.

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