The Daily Word 10.18.07

Simon McCormack
1 min read
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A school board member says “drastic measures” should be taken to improve the academic performance in Albuquerque’s poor and high-minority schools.

Civil rights groups in New Mexico are filing a federal lawsuit against Otero County Deputies claiming that several raids in Southern New Mexico have resulted in the arrest and harassment of many Hispanic residents without warrants or probable cause.

UNM’s North Golf Course could be shrinking to make room for a new retirement community.

A Rolex watch leads Santa Fe Police to a robbery suspect.

Homeless shelters are running out of space in Santa Fe and advocates are reaching out to churches for help.

Pakistani opposition leader Benazir Bhutto returns to her home country after an eight-year exile. Her return is expected to further destabilize the country’s political landscape.

The Federal Communications Commission looks at easing limits on media owners. The new plan would eliminate restrictions including a rule that forbids media companies from owning a newspaper and TV or radio station in the same city.

President Bush says he’s still relevant despite a 24 percent approval rating.

Deborah Kerr, the star of
From Here to Eternity and The King and I , dies at 86.

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