The Daily Word 11.19.07

Nick Brown
2 min read
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The sasquatch in Florida that turned out to be an escaped orangutan actually turned out to be a big squirrel.

The Patriots creamed the Bills last night.

Al Gore is wealthy.

Can McDonalds become a “beverage destination?”

Today is Dan Haggerty’s birthday. He played Grizzly Adams. You can order a personalized video message from Dan. You can also order some of his delicious sauces. Maybe next he’ll sell his Game Cube.

Mr. Whipple (aka Dick Wilson) died. Rest in peace, scary little please don’t squeeze the Charmin man.

Is Peterson a murderer?

Looks like we’ll test out that heatray gun in Iraq.

People who hate America get together and talk about how much they hate America.

Speaking of hate, hate crimes are up 8%.

Mike Tyson got a light sentence on his recent drug charges. And check out that crazy face tattoo.

Nazi vandals struck near Lomas and Candelaria. (Note: Lomas and Candelaria are parallel and not very close to each other).

Taser death in Raton.

I hate these stories. Man, that would suck.

A guy stole his wife’s car and passed out inside it. Clearly, he’s a victim of nagging.

An argument led to a shooting. I’ve never shot anyone, but you know, if I had a gun on me and everybody was teasing me… No, I still wouldn’t shoot.

I will soon be wearing long pants. Don’t tell Chance DeAngelo. He can just wonder.
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