The Daily Word 12.17.07

Nick Brown
1 min read
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New Species discovered in the Foja Mountains.

oldest person dies at 116.

rape victim pardoned.

Joe Leiberman endorses John McCain.

Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter
had another kid. I wasn’t even aware they were together until recently. Read about how they live in separate houses connected by a door.

Read how
faith affects the brain.

Bees inspire web server technology.

New Jersey
banned the death penalty.

Albuquerque City Council
may override the Mayor’s red light camera veto.

This is old, old news, I know, but Taos is
opening up to snowboarders in March. It was new news when I heard about it on Friday.

Murder/suicide on the west side.

doesn’t think there will be more layoffs at Sandia Labs or Los Alamos. Did he forget anything?

Did you know it’s a misdemeanor in Albuquerque to
shoot an airsoft gun at a person?

Santa Fe narcs are back in action. Hide your weed.

It’s Goober’s Birthday! (a.k.a. actor
George Lindsey).

It doesn’t feel any warmer

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