The Daily Word 4.26.10: Tornado, Yeti, Spock.

Nick Brown
1 min read
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A Tornado kills 10 in Mississippi.

earthquake hits Taiwan with small effect.

economy shows signs of improvement.

Stephen Hawking urges us to
avoid aliens.

Spock has a new hand signal.

There’s a
leaking oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico.

Take a look at this woman’s
hobbit hole.

Here’s a nice
addition to the Apple logo.

A stuffed
yeti and other creatures went up for auction.

You might as well watch the
live barn owl cam.

Here’s the trailer for the new
Batman cartoon-movie, if anybody’s interested.

Thilay Lama didn’t want to be rescued from Bandelier.

A Sunday morning
house fire in Albuquerque. I saw the smoke.

Richard Jojola is
mean to puppies.

It’s Joan Chen’s birthday. She had to wear a
little maid’s cap on “Twin Peaks.”

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