The Daily Word 6.23.08

Nick Brown
1 min read
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A study at NMSU is trying to figure out why James Bond is so attractive to women. Psst. It’s fiction, you guys. Bond gets the girl because that’s how the story goes.

There are lots of
lesbians in the military. I don’t see why that’s a problem, but the military didn’t ask me.

Oxytocin: the new
cure for shyness. The old cure was called “alcohol.”

Bill Gates retires.

Big Brother’s
Yorkshire Hat Ban.

Expert on West Nile Virus gets
West Nile Virus.

Solar Energy Breakthrough.

Australian man couldn’t
sell his life on ebay.

Obama comes to Albuquerque today.

Ice Cream Guy Murdered Downtown at 11th and Coal.

It’s Frances McDormand’s birthday. Here she is in the
Darkman trailer.
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