The Daily Word 7.14.08

Nick Brown
1 min read
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Read Schwarzenegger’s comments about global warming and it’s like hearing them with his accent.

Bush lifts executive
ban on offshore drilling, but it doesn’t do anything unless congress agrees.

Belgian brewery
buys Bud.

Still searching for
Steve Fossett even though he’s in another dimension.

Pile of
dead sharks. Molly ate shark fin soup. Is there a connection?

I recently told my kids that
dogs don’t have veins.

Sniffing Pastries: A Slow News Day.

Madonna’s brother
wrote a book about her and, um… I forgot what I was saying.

There’s a new
Blobsquatch photo and Loren (ahem) Coleman will walk you through it. I don’t see anything. Plus another sighting (yeti porn).

shooting in the garage at 3rd and Copper.

stabbing over ATV repair bill.

McCain is
coming to NM.

Harry Dean Stanton is 82 today. Here he is explaining the code of the
Repo Man.
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