The Daily Word 8.16.10: Craigslist Killer, Katie Holmes’ Weird Marriage, North Korea On Twitter.

Nick Brown
1 min read
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The accused Craigslist killer escaped to hell.

Deathrace 2010.

“He was like, ‘
Where’s my food at?’”

World economy: a three way tie for last.

Obama defends the
ground zero mosque, and presumably the gay bar to open next door to it.

Katie Holmes says marriage can feel weird. Katie, some marriages are weird.

Dinosaurs found alive in Papua New Guinea and elsewhere?

Little Feat drummer
Ritchie Hayward died. Little Feat celebrated with a big concert to show they didn’t need him.

Be sure to follow
North Korea on Twitter.

Hillary Duff married a hockey player and I can’t even think of a good joke about it.

Let he who has not sinned… I guess that means the

Porn viruses infected a state laptop.

bear was caught in the Heights.

Stabbing Burglar strikes.

Robert Culp’s birthday!
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