The Daily Word In Bile-Harvesting Bear Farms, Mike Vick’s Shiny New Contract, And Impalement By Pruning Shears

Adam Fox
2 min read
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Oh, damn. Israel sends two warships to the Egyptian border after rumors of a possible attack.

I don’t know how you impale yourself with
pruning shears, but it can’t be pleasant.

Social networking helps balloon this
Colorado State University megaparty to nearly 4,000 people.

CBS takes full opportunity of the obvious joke, but TSA agents find
exotic snakes in a passenger’s pants.

Climate change also makes people, not just the weather, substantially more batshit crazy.

Chinese doctors call for
bile-harvesting bear farms to be closed. Wow.

One of
New Mexico’s finest is caught on camera having sex with a woman on the hood of a car.

The damage caused by Hurricane Irene,
in incredible pictures.

The hurricane caused 38 deaths and left
3.3 million people without power.

Former dog fighter and current NFL QB Michael Vick gets a
$100 million contract from the Philadelphia Eagles.

It’s funny when the frontman of Maroon 5 lashes out against MTV for
not being about “music.”

Big- style fortune teller is found in a Montana restaurant.

Obama’s uncle
Onyango Obama is stopped on suspicion of drunk driving, then tells police he wants to dial the White House.

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