The Daily Word In Broken Medals, Haunted Pizzerias And Snoop Lion

Adam Fox
1 min read
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Government forces in Syria step up efforts to drive the rebels out of Aleppo, the country’s biggest city.

Albuquerque plans to expand its free
spay and neuter program to include moderate income households. Make Bob Barker proud.

Chinese swimmer
Ye Shiwen denies doping allegations after smoking the competition.

Brazilian judoka Felipe Kitadai
breaks his bronze medal in the shower.

More than half of India—or
600 million people—is still without power.

Snoop Dogg is now
Snoop Lion in light of his transformation to Rastafarianism.

Peter Jackson announces a third
Hobbit film and plans to incorporate Tolkien’s appendices.

Mitt Romney
didn’t mean what he said regarding his disparaging remarks about Palestine.

Romney’s aide tells reporters to
“kiss his ass” in Poland.

Beware, beware, the
haunted pizzeria of Louisiana.

A man is
bitten by a shark in Cape Cod, and lives to talk about it.

The top
25 brands from the ‘90s … and who wore them.
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