The Daily Word In Castro Advice, Alford Owes A Million, Kfc Goes Boneless

E.J. Maliskas
1 min read
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Roger Ebert passed away yesterday at the age of 70.

Fidel Castro advises good ol’ buddy North Korea not to go to war.

UNM says
Alford owes them $1 million.

KFC is going boneless. (Don’t you dare go boneless on me, Shawn.)

A team of scientists at Oxford University have printed what could be the predecessors to
usable synthetic human tissue.

Two different
bombs found at state parks across New Mexico.

Finally! Proof that
walking is just as good for as you running (I loathe running).

If you haven’t seen the all-clucking version of “Hey Ho” as done by the
Chickeneers, you are missing out.
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