The Daily Word In Rick Perry Folding, Terrell Owens Signing, Mark Wahlberg Going Nuts

Sam Adams
1 min read
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Rick Perry drops out, endorses Gingrich.

APS superintendent says Gov. Martinez’ plan would
misuse education funds.

numbers on yesterday’s web blackouts.

Police say man was drunk when he was
“hogtied” in a convenience store parking lot after pulling off interstate.

Report counts
200 more homeless people in N.M. than last year.

Marky Mark says he would have been a hero had he been on one of the 9/11 planes. We’d all be heroes if we quit using petroleum (2:18 in). Maybe he really does talk to animals.

Meeting at 3 p.m. today at the Convention Center over
proposed Westside Walmart.

Police say a 10-year-old
stabbed his friend to death.

England spies on Russia with a
fake rock.

T.O. signs with Indoor Football League. Getcha Popcorn Ready.

Holy shit, that’s
a lot of bamboo.

The Giants playing a great game had nothing to do with the Packers losing. Real reason:
This crying girl put sparkles on her nails and didn’t wear her Aaron Rodgers jersey.
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