The Daily Word In Sandy Aid Bill, Anteater Legs And Rex Ryan

B.L. Brennan
1 min read
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Malala Yousafz, the 15 year old who was shot in the head by a Taliban assassin, has been discharged after 3 months in a British hospital.

School bridge program boosts a New Mexico county’s graduation rate.

Rex Ryan may think a little too highly of Mark Sanchez … and Tim Tebow?

The House passes a $9.7 billion
Sandy aid bill.

Selena and the Biebs broke up again.

Bill Richardson is taking a potentially risky trip to North Korea.

Naomi Campbell was
apparently mugged last month in Paris, but no official report was filed.

Los Lunas police are willing to pay in order to retrieve the
stolen Wal-Mart guns.

Patrick Dempsy is now the proud owner of a coffee shop.

Young Christopher Walken looks freakishly like Scarlett Johansson

Ever seen an
anteater with panda bear legs?
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