The Daily Word In Van Gogh, Burlington Coat Factory And The Toy Box Killer.

Nick Brown
1 min read
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Maybe Van Gogh didn’t kill himself.

There was a
naked man in Burlington Coat Factory.

Racer Dan Wheldon died in a 15-car pile up.

Cards go to the World Series.

Here’s that
McDonald’s beating.

Sesame Street’s Youtube channel was hacked and filled with porn.

Most complete.
Dinosaur skeleton. Ever.

You can forget about watching
Tower Heist at home for a few more months.

Here’s the latest in
comic book news.

Carve this cool

Ha ha.
Dog gets firecracker.

Here are
12 really weird places.

Does it look like these
stars are moving?

Learn all about

Guess who I saw today?

Look at all these
weird birthday cakes.

A home
invader tried to smother a woman with a pillow.

The FBI released photos of “
Toy Box Killer” stuff.

guy pulled a gun on Walmart security.

Happy birthday,
Margot Kidder. (Warning: this clip may induce nausea.)

Thanks to Tom Nayder for the help.
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