The Daily Word. Top News Stories For 02.22.10: Herpes Bomb, X-Shaped Meteor, Son Of Manson.

Nick Brown
1 min read
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See the incredible x-shaped meteor thing.

Read about
Amy Bishop’s Herpes Bomb.

Don’t cry to me; cry to your
Edward Cullen pillow.

captured Taliban leader.

For those of you concerned,
Betty White may very well host SNL.

Son of Manson.

Brooklyn cops acquitted of
broomstick sodomy.

The brain likes
words and music together, contrary to what that jazz guy at the party said.

counterfeit stem cells.

hipsters slipping on ice.

A Columbian woman “
came back to life” in the funeral home.

Cat food helps
kill cane toads.

We await you, merry gnome.

Joseph Trujillo tried to save some
drowning puppies.

Farmington may get
blazing fast internet. The committee is led by Jack Little.

Neighbor saves neighbor from
fiery death on Edie Place NW.

As always, check DCF’s
Morning Fix for more local news.

It’s Kyle MacLachlan’s birthday. Here he is in “
Twin Peaks” with David Duchovny.

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