The Daily Word, With Heath Ledger, Beating Hearts, Monkeys In Cars And Heroic Dogs.

Nick Brown
1 min read
The Daily Word, with Heath Ledger, beating hearts, monkeys in cars and heroic dogs.
Saturday night I investigated the Foothills Fire and got in the way with about 5,000 other gawkers.
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Ten most ignorant politicians.

dog saved a baby.

Scientists hope
lab-grown hearts will start beating soon.

Did they find a
picture of Jesus?

Cops play solitaire on their little cop car computers.

Somebody got a
dead mouse in a Monster Energy Drink.

Monkeys race in tiny cars.

The history of the
ice-pick lobotomy.

Slate has
lunch with Roger Waters.

Does the band Mogwai enjoy
rectal vodka tampons?

Watch the first 12 minutes of
Game of Thrones.

Grimm’s Fairy Tales would make good movies.

Here are some good
photo bombs.

Ghoulish engineers use
human blood for data storage research.

Infinite Tom Sellecks.

Thank you, slaves.

At the cloud, you must look.

Prepare for the next
Ice Age.

best of April Fools’ from around the web.

Foothills Fire is 100% containted. The Ruidoso fire is not. The Sevillita Fire is 25% contained.

High winds left 3500
East Mountian residents without power last night.

cops busted a drug house.

Let’s look at KOAT’s
mugshots from Friday.

Happy birthday,
Heath Ledger.

Thanks to Tom Nayder and Geoffrey Anjou for many of today’s top stories.
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