The Eyes Of The Nation

Amy Dalness
2 min read
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Central New Mexico is under close watch by the entire nation today. Our First Congressional District House seat is one of the key races on the radar—as if we didn’t know already. The New York Times has a cool graphic map highlighting the crucial House races around the U.S., which really puts this whole thing into perspective.

I, for one, wasn’t feeling like my vote counted in the 2004 election when the race was called a Bush victory before Bernalillo County had even finished counting. Not enough to discourage me from voting, but enough to cause me grief.
Grumble, grumble. This election, every vote from every New Mexican has the potential to cause an impact on the actions of the federal government. With more than 205,000 New Mexicans getting out to vote before election day, I think my fellow citizens are feeling as optimistic as me.

Let actions speak louder than words (go vote!) and words speak louder than my rambling speculation. I’ll be out today conducting a few exit interviews with voters around Albuquerque and Santa Fe to see what they think of the new paper ballots, some of New Mexico’s tightest races and what this election could mean for America.
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