The Lesser Of Two Crazies

Devin D. O'Leary
1 min read
The Lesser of Two Crazies
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Concerned about your choices for president today? Hey, it could be worse.

Check out’s article on
"The Six Most Insane People to Ever Run For President."

I’m thinking Lee L. Mercer Jr. has got a real shot at it this year. How can you not love a Democratic Presidential candidate who says on
his own web site that "I was ordered to create and or invent by the United States Army that is now intact regulating the United States Government protecting it through Military Intelligence Computerization Management a new Discipline I invented and the Administration of Criminal Law Laws across the board."

Let’s see the Republicans figure that out, much less draft an ad campaign countering it. "Lee L. Mercer
says he was ordered to create and or invent by the United States … Wait. What?"
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