The Supreme Court Rules!

Amy Dalness
2 min read
The Supreme Court Rules!
This is an U.S.-run prison? Yes. Yes it is.
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Take that, Bushie. You’ve over stepped your bounds—abused your privileges. No trials for you at Guantanamo Bay. No trials, because the Supreme Court says so.

The highest court in the U.S. ruled today that President Bush overstepped his authority by ordering military war crime trials for the detainees held at the prison in Guantanamo. It was a 5-3 vote with, you guessed it, Justices Thomas, Scalia and Alito dissenting. Chief Justice Roberts had to sit this one out for having argued this case in favor of the Government before his appointment. According to the
New York Times and the Associated Press, President Bush told reporters he’d like to close Guantanamo (yeah, sure) but he recognizes that some "darn dangerous" people are being held there.

Justice Breyer earned my appreciation by putting into writing what we have all been thinking: "Congress has not issued the executive a ‘blank check.’ … Nothing prevents the president from returning to Congress to seek the authority he believes necessary." Thank you, Justice Breyer.

I’ll challenge the Bush Administration to do just that. I dare you to take your justification of Guantanamo to Congress. I
will you to seek approval from the Legislative branch. Let’s see if trying to justify an illegal prison helps bolster support for those Republican seats up for election this November. Frickin’ bring it.
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