These Are The Champions, My Friends ...

These Are The Champions, My Friends ...

Marisa Demarco
1 min read
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… and they’re walking around with that enormous shiny slam belt around their poetic midsections. Not really. Although belts might be something for the Albuquerque Slam Council to consider. Think about it.

The following four poets will be the Duke City’s representatives at the 2006 national slam in Austin, Texas. But the responsibility doesn’t stop there. Expect to see these four representing slam to their community for the next year or so:

Hakim Bellamy

Lee Francis

Jessica Lopez

Damien Flores

It’s interesting to note that only Hakim is a repeat from last year’s team even though all of 2005’s championship slammers were in the final round. I think that’s great. That says Albuquerque’s scene keeps it fresh.

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