This Week's Arts & Lit: Gb Shaw's Candida At Adobe, Bears Prefer Moose Guts But You'll Do, Live Art

This Week's Arts & Lit: Gb Shaw's Candida At Adobe, Bears Prefer Moose Guts But You'll Do, Live Art

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This Week's Arts & Lit: GB Shaw's Candida at Adobe, Bears prefer moose guts but you'll do, live art
“Um, yes, I will have the moose guts with wild mushrooms in a béarnaise sauce, the redneck pâté and I’m thinking a Cabernet Sauvignon.” (
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Culture Shock : Birds, Elvis and watching art that only exists for an hour or two.

Performance Review : If you google Candida, you get pictures of yeast infections in people’s mouths. Gross. George Bernard Shaw’s Candida is not a play about yeast; it’s a play about love. Runs through Oct. 10, 8pm Fri & Sat, Sunday 2pm, at Adobe Theater.

Book Review : Bears prefer moose guts but you’ll do. Plus other fun facts in Slim Randles’ outdoorsy memoir Sweetgrass Mornings . Like how not to get eaten by a bear. And, how not to get eaten by a cougar. Slim Randles is appearing at Bookworks Nov. 6.
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