This Week's Arts & Lit: Latino Writers’ Conference, Clara Driscoll & The Tiffany Girls, Voices Behind The Virus, New Mexico Philharmonic

This Week's Arts & Lit: Latino Writers’ Conference, Clara Driscoll & The Tiffany Girls, Voices Behind The Virus, New Mexico Philharmonic

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This Week's Arts & Lit: Latino WritersÕ Conference, Clara Driscoll & the Tiffany Girls, Voices Behind the Virus, New Mexico Philharmonic
Left to right: Actors Drew Morrison, Christie Carter, Nate Warren and Tori Cocoran (Jennifer Walkowiak)
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Culture Shock: Latino Writers’ Conference at NHCC

Gallery Preview: Classy glass and objects d’arte designed by
Clara Driscoll and the Tiffany Girls

Performance Preview:
Voices Behind the Virus– a theatrical exploration of living with HIV/AIDS

Art News: And the band played on—
announcing the New Mexico Philharmonic
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