Toast Embroidery, Oreo Cameos, Condiment Wallpaper And Cereal Samplers

Laura Marrich
1 min read
Toast embroidery, Oreo cameos, condiment wallpaper and cereal samplers
“Oreo Cameo #9” by Judith G. Klausner
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Artist Judith G. Klausner works in a lot of nontraditional mediums, but none are as appetizing as her From Scratch series. Using only bread, thread and a little paper for structural support, Klausner combines embroidery with toast to produce some incredibly fine, painstakingly realistic mold, eggs or pats of butter. She stitches “BREAKFAST IS THE MOST IMPORTANT MEAL OF THE DAY” directly onto Chex corn cereal to produce a kind of “meta sampler.” The white stuff in the middle of an Oreo sandwich cookie is the only material she needs to carve out a totally convincing cameo. From her artist’s statement:

My work is about choice. As a woman in the twenty-first century, I can choose to spend my day baking a loaf of bread, or to grab a package off a grocery store shelf after a long day at work. I can choose to spend my evenings embroidering. I can choose to combine these things and call it art.

Get an eyeful of
Klausner’s women’s work here. (And big thanks to my similarly food-obsessed sister Sarah for sending me this link!)
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