Today In People Who Are Kind Of Famous Just Because

Edith P. Giblets
2 min read
Today in People Who Are Kind Of Famous Just Because
Coco Loco
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Conan O’Brien, who used to make fun of Twitter on his seven-month “Tonight Show” stint, recently joined the online pointlessness to much fanfare. As of this writing, Conan’s page has over 600,000 followers, accumulated in just under two weeks (his tagline for the page is “I had a show. Then I had a different show. Now I have a Twitter account”).

Until Friday, Conan himself followed no one (a metaphor? Yes!). That’s when he decided to choose someone at random and follow her. She is a 19-year-old named Sarah Killen, and
all of the sudden she’s kind of famous. In just a few days, she’s received tons of loot for her upcoming wedding and I think an iMac.

Seems like a nice kid, but two things: why is a 19-year-old getting married? And she doesn’t seem to be aware that Conan no longer has a show.

Also, this is my favorite of O’Brien’s dozen or so tweets: I just had the fries at the McDonald’s in Culver City near the Lady Foot Locker. SO AWESOME. If you can get there, ORDER THOSE FRIES.

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