Track Marks: No Peeking

Patricia Sauthoff
2 min read
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As an avid fan of all things smart-assy, I’ve found myself reading Gawker as of late. (Admitting this is somewhat painful because I truly don’t care about Lindsay Lohan’s latest jail sentence but the barbs are just so damn good I can’t help myself.)

Of Gawker’s many writers,
Adrian Chen is just my kind of wise-ass. So yesterday, when I read that some site I’d never heard of called 4chan was publishing his personal info I got curious about the site, but not enough to look it up. Today it seems that users of the site actually shut Gawker down for awhile, though it still came through in RSS without pictures and Gawker’s Twitter feed was just fine.

The curiosity got to me and I tried to go to 4chan to see what it was. No dice, as I was on the Rail Runner’s internet connection. This message came through: Based on your corporate access policies, access to this web site ( ) has been blocked because the web category "Adult/Sexually Explicit" is not allowed.

No porn on the train I guess. In the past I’ve also noticed that
Pirate Bay is blocked as well. Guess the New Mexico Department of Transportation doesn’t want you torrenting or looking at dirty pictures. Bummer.

Anyway, I finally made it to the
Alibi offices, where apparently I can look at all the porn I want and finally got 4chan to load. Holy ‘90s Batman. I haven’t seen a message board like this since high school, when I decided the internet wasn’t for me.

Adrian Chen, I have new respect for you. Not only are you hilarious, but you figured this site out, which means you’re a super nerd too!
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