Uptown Girl Working In A Downtown World

Taylor Grabowsky
1 min read
Uptown Girl Working in a Downtown World
Trucks as far as the eye can see! (Taylor Grabowsky)
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I have lived in Albuquerque almost my whole life. To be more specific, I am a product of the Northeast Heights. That’s the part of town where I’ve lived the most, where I went through public school and where I spend the majority of my time. But now I work Downtown. Having worked down here for several months, now I feel like I get what Downtown is all about. It’s not as intimidating as it once was. The narrow roads and one way streets now only semi stress me out. I like walking the streets and noticing the varied people who congregate in this area. I’ve grown to love watching the trucks unload the cases of booze in the morning from the view from my desk and seeing the bands unloading equipment in the alleyway on my walk to my car. Having said all that though, today I did miss my turn and was almost immediately lost. Turns out, I haven’t really explored more than my natural route down here. The only thing that saved me is that Albuquerque streets are on a grid system. I think I might have some more exploring to do.
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