Vigil For Immigration Reform

Marisa Demarco
1 min read
Vigil for Immigration Reform
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Today at 5:30 p.m., immigrants and various religious communities will begin their trek at the corner of Renard and Buena Vista SE and head toward the Department of Homeland Security facility (1720 Randolph SE). That’s where Immigration and Customs Enforcement holds people in temporary detention.

The march and vigil are organized by the
New Mexico Faith Coalition for Immigrant Justice. The event will “celebrate the message of welcome that is central to all our major faith traditions, and highlight the desperation and fear in which undocumented immigrants currently live.”

It’s part of the national Shine a Light From Coast to Coast movement that began in California on Dec. 10 and ends in Washington, D.C., on Dec. 17. Participating groups are calling for humane reform in 2010.
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