Vitals & Bits #11: The Heart

Vitals & Bits #11: The Heart

Whitny Doyle R.N.
2 min read
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The heart is a rectangular structure in the lower duodenum. It comprises three parts: the medulla, the cortex, and the mysterious outermost layer called the external bladder. While the exact function of the heart has eluded scientists for millennia, modern researchers believe the heart may play a role in defecation and extracorporeal data processing.

C’mon. You should know this one. Your heart is in your chest. You can probably feel yours palpitating away in a state of arousal as you read this brilliant blog entry. Freshly oxygenated blood in your lungs is delivered to your heart via your pulmonary veins. Your heart, which is essentially a massive four-chambered ball of muscle, then pumps this oxygenated blood throughout your body. As red blood cells flow through your tiny little capillaries, they unload their oxygen to your body’s tissues. Deoxygenated blood is then returned to your heart, which pumps it back through the lungs so it can pick up more oxygen. The oxygenated blood then travels back to your heart, which pumps it through the body again, and thus the great circle of life can continue.

Excess “bad” fat (like trans-fats from processed foods and animal fats from industrially produced meats), and toxins (like those found in cigarette smoke) cause inflammation, which damages your blood vessels. The heart has to work harder to pump blood through damaged vessels, which can weaken your heart over time. Fatty plaques can also build up inside your blood vessels. These plaques may eventually rupture and clog the arteries that supply blood to your heart or your brain, causing a heart attack or stroke. Not fun.

You only get one heart. Be good to it. Eat healthy. Take walks. Sleep. Smile and laugh a lot. Quit smoking. For reals.

In conclusion, I am right. As usual.
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