Wage Measure Could Turn On A Dime. Well, A Quarter Really.

Marisa Demarco
1 min read
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Although word from the mayor’s office last week was that he was looking forward to signing the minimum-wage hike that's coming before the City Council on April 20—pending some negotiations—things are looking less hunky dory today.

The Albuquerque Journal is reporting that Chavez is not keen on the $6.75 increase that would be implemented on Jan. 1, 2007 if the council passes the measure. He would instead like to make it $6.50. He’s quoted as saying he can’t support the proposal as is and could veto the thing.

Council President Martin Heinrich negotiated with the business community and was seeking a phase-in that looked like this: $6.75 in 2007, $7.15 in 2008 and, finally, $7.50 in 2009. The mayor wants: $6.50 in 2007, $7 in 2008 and $7.50 in 2009. The end result is the same, but things are looking pretty dicey, with politicos all a-fluster over that quarter next year, and the nickel and dime in 2008.

We'll keep you posted as things develop.

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