Wal-Mart Carries Emergency Contraception

Marisa Demarco
1 min read
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It took at least one lawsuit in Massachusetts, as far as I can tell, but yesterday Wal-marts everywhere have begun carrying the “morning-after pill,” often called Plan B. Here’s a fun quote from the megachain’s website: “We expect more states to require us to sell emergency contraceptives in the months ahead,” said Ron Chomiuk, vice president of pharmacy. “Because of this, and the fact that this is an FDA-approved product, we feel it is difficult to justify being the country’s only major pharmacy chain not selling it.”

Can I get a “Duh”?

That’s corporate America for you, recognizing people’s rights one forced political maneuver at a time. Still, the company will hold to its “conscientious-objection policy,” which allows pharmacists to refuse to dispense the pill if they don’t feel comfortable with it.

Phew! Stick with it, folks. We’re inching toward liberty.

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